This is my final DVD cover, overall I am happy with the way it looks and have more or less followed the conventions and typical style of a DVD cover. In contrast to my magazine, i thought it would be more suitable to have a picture of the whole group on the cover. I decided i would add a little more colour to the title and have paint splats in the background, which I experimented with and changed the colours off. I thinks its effective to have them behind the title as it gives the cover a more professional look. I noticed most DVD covers have screen grabs on the back, in the case of TV series they often have episode guides. I had tried to have a short description of what happens in each episode each episode but there wasn't enough room and it looked to cluttered. I also thought another feature that would make it more realistic would be 'bonus features', particularly for children this would be an attractive feature such as the interactive game. I also added Universal certificates to give a more realistic look and added finishing touches to the images and text such as shadowing to make the text stand out. The review was something i felt would add to the way the magazine and DVD cover worked together, as 'CITV' could definitely promote the show and would be something children would recognise and get access to my show.
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